Homar - Art Binding Ties from Puerto Rico to NYC

"Entre Islas" is a conversation with artists: Rodríguez Calero, Nitza Tufiño and Nestor Otero about "HOMAR: A Tribute to an Artist of the Puerto Rican Diaspora".

They will share their memories, personal experiences and the ways they have been influenced by the renowned artist and graphic designer Lorenzo Homar and his peers in the Puerto Rican art scene both on the island and among the Puerto Rican stateside communities.

Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 6PM
Silberman School of Social Work
2180 Third Avenue (119th Street), 
Centro Library & Archives
Room 120

"HOMAR: A Tribute to an Artist of the Puerto Rican Diaspora" has been extended until October 15th, 2015.